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Coffee & Tea Glasses

Serve your Coffees, Mint teas, Cappuccino's and Latte's in classical European cafe style with clear cups and glasses.  Choose from our wide selection of elegant cups and glasses and serve  with an traditional or contemporary look.

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As a supplier of glassware wholesale, our online store has everything your establishment needs to serve your Coffees, Mint teas, Cappuccinos, and Lattes in classical European cafe style with clear cups and glasses. Choose from our wide selection of elegant cups and glasses and serve with a traditional or contemporary look.



Additionally don’t forget, whilst you’re browsing through our glassware collection, if you spend £75, you can enjoy free UK delivery.

Coffee & Tea Glasses From Concept Cuisine

There are numerous reasons why tea and coffee should be enjoyed in a glass container. Firstly, your customer will be able to enjoy the many different shades of these delicious beverages. Tea and coffee are found in a wide spectrum of different colours and glassware provides them with the opportunity to truly appreciate this. For example, the espresso and that beautiful dark colour, top


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